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Greyson Murphy

Jungle 2017: A Film Review by Greg McLean, the Director of Wolf Creek

Jungle 2017: A Gripping Survival Story Based on True Events

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be lost in the Amazon rainforest for three weeks, with no food, no map, no shelter, and no one to help you? That is exactly what happened to Yossi Ghinsberg, an Israeli adventurer who embarked on a perilous journey into the Bolivian jungle in 1981. His harrowing experience was adapted into a biographical survival drama film called Jungle, starring Daniel Radcliffe as Ghinsberg. In this article, we will explore what makes Jungle 2017 a captivating and inspiring film that showcases the power of human resilience and courage.

jungle 2017

Summary: A Quest for Adventure Turns into a Nightmare

Jungle 2017 follows the true story of Yossi Ghinsberg, a young man who travels to Bolivia in search of adventure and self-discovery. There, he meets Marcus Stamm, a Swiss teacher, Kevin Gale, an American photographer, and Karl Ruprechter, an Austrian geologist who claims to know a hidden indigenous tribe in the jungle. The four of them decide to join Ruprechter on an expedition into the uncharted Amazon, hoping to find gold and glory. However, things go wrong when they realize that Ruprechter is not who he says he is, and that the jungle is a hostile and unforgiving place. The group splits up, leaving Yossi alone to face the dangers of nature, hunger, disease, and predators. He must rely on his wits, his willpower, and his faith to survive and find his way back to civilization.

Analysis: A Film that Explores the Themes of Survival, Friendship, and Identity

Jungle 2017 is not just a thrilling adventure film; it is also a film that explores the themes of survival, friendship, and identity. The film shows how Yossi struggles to survive in the jungle, facing physical and psychological challenges that test his limits. He has to deal with starvation, dehydration, infection, hallucinations, and attacks from wild animals. He also has to cope with loneliness, fear, guilt, and despair. He questions his choices, his beliefs, and his purpose in life. He wonders if he will ever see his friends or his family again. He learns to appreciate the beauty and the brutality of nature. He discovers new aspects of himself that he never knew existed.

The film also shows how Yossi's friendship with Kevin plays a crucial role in his survival. Kevin is the only one who stays with Yossi when the group splits up. He tries to keep Yossi's spirits up and encourages him to keep going. He risks his life to look for Yossi when they get separated by a raging river. He eventually finds Yossi and helps him get rescued by a local tribe. Kevin's loyalty, compassion, and bravery save Yossi's life and give him hope.

The film also shows how Yossi's identity as an Israeli adventurer shapes his journey. Yossi is motivated by his curiosity and his passion for exploring new places and cultures. He is inspired by the book Papillon by Henri Charrière , which tells the story of an escaped convict who survives in the jungle. He is also influenced by his Jewish heritage and his faith in God. He recites prayers and sings songs from his childhood to comfort himself. He sees visions of his father and his grandfather who give him advice and guidance. He feels a connection with the indigenous people who help him at the end of the film.

Evaluation: A Film that Combines Realism, Emotion, and Inspiration

Jungle 2017 is a film that combines realism, emotion, and inspiration. The film is based on Yossi Ghinsberg's memoir, which he wrote in 1985 and updated in 2005. The film is directed by Greg McLean, who is known for his horror films such as Wolf Creek and The Belko Experiment. The film is shot on location in Colombia and Australia, using natural lighting and realistic sound effects. The film also uses minimal CGI and relies on practical effects and makeup to create the injuries and illnesses that Yossi suffers. The film is praised for its authenticity and accuracy in depicting the jungle environment and the survival ordeal. The film is also praised for its emotional and inspirational impact. The film is driven by Daniel Radcliffe's performance as Yossi, who transforms from a naive and optimistic adventurer to a desperate and determined survivor. Radcliffe delivers a nuanced and powerful portrayal of Yossi's physical and mental struggle, showing his pain, his fear, his hope, and his courage. Radcliffe also lost a lot of weight and endured harsh conditions to prepare for the role. The film also features strong performances from the supporting cast, especially Alex Russell as Kevin, who provides a contrast and a companion to Yossi. The film also uses flashbacks, voice-overs, and hallucinations to reveal Yossi's backstory, personality, and motivation. The film also uses music, cinematography, and editing to create tension, suspense, and relief. The film is a roller-coaster ride of emotions that keeps the audience invested in Yossi's fate. The film is also praised for its inspirational message. The film shows how Yossi overcomes incredible odds and survives against all expectations. The film shows how Yossi draws strength from his friendship with Kevin, his faith in God, his love for his family, and his passion for adventure. The film shows how Yossi learns from his experience and grows as a person. The film shows how Yossi becomes an inspiration for others who face challenges in life. The film is a testament to the power of human resilience and courage. Conclusion: A Film that Deserves to Be Watched and Appreciated

Jungle 2017 is a film that deserves to be watched and appreciated by anyone who loves adventure, drama, and survival stories. It is a film that tells a true story of a man who survived in the jungle for three weeks with no food, no map, no shelter, and no one to help him. It is a film that explores the themes of survival, friendship, and identity. It is a film that combines realism, emotion, and inspiration. It is a film that showcases the power of human resilience and courage.

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FAQs: What You Need to Know About Jungle 2017

Q: Is Jungle 2017 based on a true story?

A: Yes, Jungle 2017 is based on the true story of Yossi Ghinsberg, an Israeli adventurer who got lost in the Bolivian jungle in 1981. He wrote a memoir about his experience in 1985 and updated it in 2005.

Q: Who are the main actors in Jungle 2017?

A: The main actors in Jungle 2017 are Daniel Radcliffe as Yossi Ghinsberg, Alex Russell as Kevin Gale, Thomas Kretschmann as Karl Ruprechter, and Joel Jackson as Marcus Stamm.

Q: Where was Jungle 2017 filmed?

A: Jungle 2017 was filmed on location in Colombia and Australia. The Colombian locations include Bogotá, Tobia, Guaduas, Honda, La Dorada, Villavicencio, San José del Guaviare, Calamar, and Miraflores. The Australian locations include Mount Tamborine, Springbrook National Park, Lamington National Park, and the Gold Coast.

Q: How accurate is Jungle 2017?

A: Jungle 2017 is mostly accurate in depicting Yossi Ghinsberg's survival ordeal. The film follows his memoir closely and consults him as a producer and a consultant. The film also uses real photos and footage of Yossi and his friends at the end of the film. However, the film also takes some creative liberties and dramatizes some events for cinematic effect. For example, the film exaggerates the role of Karl Ruprechter as a villain and a fraud, while in reality he was more of a mysterious and unreliable guide. The film also adds some scenes and characters that did not happen or exist in real life, such as the encounter with the jaguar, the meeting with the blind man, and the rescue by the indigenous tribe.

Q: What is the message of Jungle 2017?

A: The message of Jungle 2017 is that human resilience and courage can overcome any challenge and adversity. The film shows how Yossi Ghinsberg survived in the jungle for three weeks with no food, no map, no shelter, and no one to help him. The film shows how he faced physical and psychological hardships that tested his limits. The film shows how he drew strength from his friendship with Kevin, his faith in God, his love for his family, and his passion for adventure. The film shows how he learned from his experience and grew as a person. The film shows how he became an inspiration for others who face challenges in life.


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