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You can use the OpenID Connect protocol to rotate your keys with Google. This is particularly useful if you need to rotate an existing private key that is already registered with Google, or if you are generating multiple keys and want to rotate the keys with Google. You can pass the returned token to the Verify ID Token API method to obtain a new signing key.
To rotate keys with Google, you need to complete the following three steps:
Create a new private key with Google.
Rotate your existing private key with Google.
Register your new private key with Google.
To rotate your existing key, you need to use the{project-id}/keys/{key-id} REST API. The following example calls the API using the DELETE method.
A client can consider an object ineligible to use the API by rejecting the request for use of the API with an HTTP response code of 400. Depending on the request, the message might be logged or the request might be rejected. 827ec27edc