The most consumed content In general, listeners text messagte service continue to show a high inclination towards content related to music , such as text messagte service radio (45%) and music as such (43.5%), the most consumed spontaneously. Podcasts text messagte service (26.1%) and news (11%) are also relevant, indicating a clear informative aspect of digital audio.
If we look at daily consumption, music on text messagte service demand leads the ranking with 49.3% . The top three are completed by live or streaming text messagte service radios with 41.6% and deferred radios with 29.6%. Podcasts would remain at 19.2%, audiobooks at 19.3%, aggregators at 26.1% and voice assistant content at 29.9%.
In the mornings, live radio is the one that text messagte service triumphs with 70% , which it loses in the afternoons, in which deferred radio wins text messagte service with 52%. However, in the period from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., music (64%), voice text messagte service assistant content (55%), aggregators (53%) and podcasts (48%) are the most consumed. As for the night time slot, audiobooks stand out, with 57%.