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All of the above four principles seem to cohere in the data. Most policies do appear to model person-centred thinking and planning. However, some of the detailed guidance, that is, the micro-level, does not. The problem may lie with the devices used to implement the policies. Data show that the policies may be largely carried out but it is not clear if this is because people are applying them or because the policies are being applied. Therefore, there is a need for further research to examine what devices are used to implement these policies and how well they are implemented.
The results of the research phases tell a story about the nature of person centred thinking and planning in commissioning and care in the NHS. The research was set-up to examine the nature of person centred thinking and planning. To do this, it needs to establish that the policies say person centred thinking and planning. To understand the nature of an NHS commissioning policy we need to not only recall the policy statement but also explore its implications for clinical practice. We need to do this for each policy in the NHS commissioning system. We should not say, though, that the policies bear out person centred thinking and planning. The nature of person centred thinking and planning in NHS commissioning is suggestible and amenable to analysis. The policies could be analysed using a range of techniques.
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